Idegennyelvű könyvek

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Nursery school, here i come!  /Már óvodás vagyok /angol
Janikovszky Éva

"Amikor Dani először ment óvodába, nagyon örült annak, hogy már óvodába mehet, csak még annak nem tudott eléggé örülni, hogy ott is kell maradni." Mert így van ez, hogy az ember örül is meg nem is. Akkor is így van, ha az ember történetesen még kicsi.…

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8,15 €
A Faraway World + CD
Maria Luisa Banfi

Marquat egy tipikus tinédzser, Cardiffban született nigériai szülőkkel. Ő egy intelligens, kíváncsi fiú aki néha bizonytalan és félénk. Reméli, hogy ha jót tesz az életben, és keményen dolgozik, akkor megvalósíthatja álmait. Egy nap, sajnos ő megérzi…

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11,00 €
Le grand Meaulnes + CD
Alain Fournier

Augustin Meaulnes has been missing from his boarding school for a few days. When he returns he has changed. He tells his friend François about the strange adventure he has had. By chance he finds an abandoned manor house in the woods where he attends…

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11,75 €
Loving London (A2)
Angela Tomkinson

Who wants to go on a trip to London? You? Then join us on our A-Z journey through this ancient and modern city. It's a city which is full of surprises and there's always something to see and do in this exciting capital. If you like art or nature, sport…

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10,80 €
Botchan + CD (A1)
Natsume Soseki

A Tokyoite known only as Botchan thinks teaching a bunch of high-school yokels in the sticks will be simple-after all, they're essentially living yesteryear. But our narrator soon learns that he is surrounded by schemers and tricksters and that the teaching…

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11,75 €
Die Kapuzinergruft + CD
Joseph Roth

Themes covered: society; love; war.

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11,75 €
Dracula (A2)
Bram Stoker

Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form. Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in the lonely castle? Where does Count Dracula go during the day? Why are there…

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11,75 €
Frankenstein (B2)
Mery Shelley

'After many more days and nights of study, I discovered exactly how life was created. With this knowledge I became the first man in history to have the power to create life from death.' Victor Frankenstein is a young, ambitious scientist who wants to…

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11,75 €
Harry and the Egyptian Tomb + Video Muti-ROM
Jane Cadwallader

Two police officers, Harry and Emma, are sent to investigate an ancient Egyptian tomb where stolen gold is hidden. Harry is not happy and his mood gets worse when he finds out that a young girl is going to be their guide. However, Harry and Emma go into…

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6,50 €
Stories of Mystery and Suspense + CD
Edgar Allan Poe

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They range from Gothic historical stories such as The…

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11,75 €
The Canterbury Tales + CD
Geoffrey Chaucer

Step back in time to experience the adventures of a group of people to Canterbury in this stunning reconstruction of 14th Century England. In 1387, a group of people went to Canterbury. On their way, they told stories. The stories were exciting and interesting.…

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10,80 €
The Secret Garden + CD
Frances Hodgson Burnett

One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret…

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €
Tristan et iseut +CD (A2)
autor neuvedený

Trisztán és Izolda legendája egy középkori romantikus tragédia, a lovagi irodalom egyik leghíresebb alkotása. Számos változata ismert, de mindegyik középpontjában Trisztán cornwalli lovag és Izolda ír hercegnő tiltott szerelme áll. A mű első, XII. századi…

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €
White Fang + CD
Jack London

This is the story of White Fang, a wild wolf who falls into the hands of men. They use White Fang’s strength and are cruel to him so that he becomes fierce and dangerous. But through Scott, a different type of man, White Fang learns that between animals…

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6,50 €
I malavoglia- book+ CD (B1)
Giovanni Verga

This novel tells the story of a family of fishermen and of all the other residents in the small village of Aci Trezza, in Sicily. They are unified in their culture and way of thinking, however they are different in their interests. Through false freindships,…

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11,75 €
I promessi sposi + CD
Alessandro Manzoni

One of the great classics of Italian literature: a tale of two star-crossed lovers, religion, history, life and death. The year is 1628-1630 and Lombardy is under Spanish rule. A pair of young lovers, Renzo and Lucia, wish to marry but the cruel Don…

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11,75 €
Le tigri di Mompracem  (A2)
Emilio Salgari

Sandokan the pirate is injured during a battle against the English. Taken in by Lord Guillonk, he meets the beautiful Marianna. A seemingly impossible love grows between the pair but for Sandokan nothing is ever impossible.

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10,80 €
Arsene Lupin Gentleman Cambrioleur+ CD (A1)
Maurice Leblanc

Arséne Lupin, gentleman és rabló Francia könnyített olvasmány, A1 szint, CD-vel Ami az angoloknak Sherlock Holmes, az a franciáknak Arsene Lupin, azzal az aprócska különbséggel, hogy a legendás angol detektív kortársa kifogástalan gentleman ugyan, de…

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €
PONS A Recipe for Murder - 13 lebilincselő bűnügyi történet angol tanulóknak
Dominic Butler

A PONS krimisorozatának új tagja, az A Recipe for Murder 13 lebilincselően izgalmas, angol nyelvű bűnügyi történeten keresztül, olvasással tanítja a kezdő (A1) és újrakezdő (A2) szintű nyelvtanulókat, melyhez gyakorlásként az összes krimi anyanyelvű…

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €
Bel-Ami+ CD (A2)
Guy de Maupassant

When Georges Duroy wanders into the capital without a penny in his pocket, he meets a former regimental comrade, who suggests he becomes a journalist at La Vie française ... Thus begins Bel-Ami, the story of a ambition satiated through money and women…

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11,75 €
Cyrano de Bergerac+ CD
Edmond Rostand

Cyrano likes Roxane, his cousin. But she is in love with a young soldier, Christian de Neuvilette. One is a poet and has a lot of wit, the other is very beautiful but does not know how to address women. The two men become friends and Cyrano helps Christian…

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11,75 €
Great Expectations + CD
Charles Dickens

Great Expectations depicts the growth and personal development of an orphan named Pip. Pip is born poor, but one day his life mysteriously changes. He is sent to London to learn to become a gentleman. But who is paying for his education? Who is paying…

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11,75 €
Tales from Shakespeare + CD
Charles and Mary Lamb

An excellent introduction to the world of Shakespeare. This edition includes seven of Shakespeare’s plays: As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They tell stories…

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11,75 €
Die Zauberflöte + CD
Emanuel Schikaneder

Sarastro, ruler of the Sun kingdom has kidnapped the daughter of the Night King. The Queen of the Night gives Tamino the task of rescuing her. Tamino falls in love with the princess and sets out on his quest with his friend Papageno. They must overcome…

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11,75 €
Frau Holle und andere Marchen + CD
Bruder Grimm

Three of Grimms' most famous fairy stories: Frau Holle, Der Froschkönig, and Der süße Brei retold for learners of German.

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10,80 €
Hannas Tagebuch+ CD (A2)
Mary Flagan

Everyone is looking forward to a holiday in the country except Hanna - until she meets Florian. Read her diary to find out all that happens.

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10,80 €
Heidi + CD (A1)
Johanna Spyri

The world renowned story of Heidi, a young girl who lives with her grandfather in the beautiful Swiss Alps but who is later sent away to the city. Although she misses her mountain-top home, while away Heidi learns a great deal about the world. But it's…

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10,80 €
Il Souvenir egizio - Book + CD (A2)
Mary Flagan

Giulia is an intelligent and lively young girl. She loves solving mysteries and her dream is to becom a famous detective, like the famous Salvo Montalbano. One day her life changes due to a small souvenir bought in Egypt. But is it just a small souvenir…

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €
Tim und Claudia suchen ihren Freund + CD (A2)
Maureen Simpson

Tim és Claudia élvezik a nyári szünetet, amíg a barátjuk, Willi el nem tűnik. Elrabolták Willit? Ki és miért? Tim és Claudia, az ikertestvérek, legjobb barátjuk felkutatásába kezdenek aki szerencsére hagyott pár nyomot maga után.

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €
Wilhelm Tell + CD
Friedrich Schiller

A Tell Vilmos témáját hiteles és mondai eredetű eseményekből szőve a svájci kantonok 14. századi szabadságharcának korába visz. A címszereplő, a hős csak megtestesíti népének etikai tisztaságát, lázadó szellemét. Az ősi szabadságjogaitól megfosztott…

Szállítási idő
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10,80 €