Hungarian Gypsy Picture Book

For centuries, Gypsies have lived in Central Europe without getting any attention from historiography. Barely mentioned in written sources, they have been confined to the periphery of historical consciousness, reduced to stereotype. Picture data from the past centuries, however, abounds in information regarding the history of Hungarian Gypsies. The present volume is an attempt to harvest this information, utilizing historical iconography, a form of anthropological picture analysis.

For centuries, Gypsies have lived in Central Europe without getting any attention from historiography. Barely mentioned in written sources, they have been confined to the periphery of historical consciousness, reduced to stereotype. Picture data from the past centuries, however, abounds in information regarding the history of Hungarian Gypsies. The present volume is an attempt to harvest this information, utilizing historical iconography, a form of anthropological picture analysis.

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Magyar Mercurius Bt.
Rok vydania 2013
Počet strán 314
Typ viazania puhatáblás
Hmotnosť (g) 950 g
Rozmery (š-v-h) 250x200
EAN 9789639872240
Dodacia doba online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň

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