Marion Deuchars

Yoga for Stiff Birds

Loosen up with a smile on your face... Marion Deuchars has practiced yoga for many years, and well knows the benefits it brings. Now she shares that passion with her illustrated character Bob the Bird, whose expressive poses will charm you into a reviving session of yoga breathing, stretching, posing, and mindfulness.Yoga for Stiff Birds rejects the cliches of studio photography in favour of a more immediate, inviting, look. With a few brush strokes Marion helps Bob into every position from the downward-facing dog to the tree; both useful and inspiring, her art will raise a smile, whether you're a regular practitioner or a yoga novice, and will encourage even the creakiest reader to breathe, stretch, and bend like they never have before.

Loosen up with a smile on your face... Marion Deuchars has practiced yoga for many years, and well knows the benefits it brings. Now she shares that passion with her illustrated character Bob the Bird, whose expressive poses will charm you into a reviving session of yoga breathing, stretching, posing, and mindfulness.Yoga for Stiff Birds rejects the cliches of studio photography in favour of a more immediate, inviting, look. With a few brush strokes Marion helps Bob into every position from the downward-facing dog to the tree; both useful and inspiring, her art will raise a smile, whether you're a regular practitioner or a yoga novice, and will encourage even the creakiest reader to breathe, stretch, and bend like they never have before.

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Skittledog
Počet strán 80
Typ viazania tvrdá
Rozmery (š-v-h) 185 x 135
EAN 9781837760121
Dodacia doba nedostupné

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