René Goscinny, Jean-Jacques Sempé

Nicholas on Holiday

Nicholas on Holiday is part of the acclaimed series of  classic and much-loved stories about the endearing exploits of the cheeky French schoolboy, Nicholas. All the stories in this volume take place by the sea, during the summer holidays. There are eventful fishing trips, treasure hunts in the middle of the night and a whole new gang of friends with whom Nicholas can get into trouble.

Nicholas on Holiday is part of the acclaimed series of  classic and much-loved stories about the endearing exploits of the cheeky French schoolboy, Nicholas. All the stories in this volume take place by the sea, during the summer holidays. There are eventful fishing trips, treasure hunts in the middle of the night and a whole new gang of friends with whom Nicholas can get into trouble.

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Phaidon Press Ltd
Počet strán 128
Typ viazania mäkká
Rozmery (š-v-h) 14.5 x 21.4 cm
EAN 9780714862231
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