Raven Kennedy


'I don't choose him. Not anymore. I'm choosing me.' I was told that being confined was to keep the bad out . . . Until I realized it was about keeping me in. Midas made me forbidden and weak. Little did he know that I would find my wings and voice - which sings now. After living amongst the terrifying army of Fourth Kingdom, I find myself, once again, in strange lands and a kingdom surrounded by liars. But something has ignited within me. Something dark. Something angry. Then comes King Ravinger. And the last thing I wanted was my heart to be torn. Can I really fall in love when the cities around me threaten to crumble and my fate hangs in the balance? One thing is for sure, I won't be caught in a cage again. No, this time, it'll be me setting the trap.

'I don't choose him. Not anymore. I'm choosing me.' I was told that being confined was to keep the bad out . . . Until I realized it was about keeping me in. Midas made me forbidden and weak. Little did he know that I would find my wings and voice - which sings now. After living amongst the terrifying army of Fourth Kingdom, I find myself, once again, in strange lands and a kingdom surrounded by liars. But something has ignited within me. Something dark. Something angry. Then comes King Ravinger. And the last thing I wanted was my heart to be torn. Can I really fall in love when the cities around me threaten to crumble and my fate hangs in the balance? One thing is for sure, I won't be caught in a cage again. No, this time, it'll be me setting the trap.

Nyelv angol
Kiadó Penguin Books
Megjelenés éve 2022
Oldalak száma 688
Kötés típusa mäkká
Súly (g) 474 g
Méretek (Sz-M-H) 131 x 197
EAN 9781405955027
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