René Goscinny

Asterix: Obelix and Co.

Julius Caesar sends Caius Preposterus, a bright young graduate of the Latin school of Economics, to corrupt the indomitable Gauls by introducing them to big business. Obelix's menhir trade is soon thriving, backed by a heavy advertising campaign - but does wealth bring happiness? And what will happen when the bottom falls out of the menhir market?

Julius Caesar sends Caius Preposterus, a bright young graduate of the Latin school of Economics, to corrupt the indomitable Gauls by introducing them to big business. Obelix's menhir trade is soon thriving, backed by a heavy advertising campaign - but does wealth bring happiness? And what will happen when the bottom falls out of the menhir market?

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Little, Brown Book Group
Počet strán 48
Typ viazania Hardback
Hmotnosť (g) 446 g
Rozmery (š-v-h) 298 x 226 x 9
EAN 9780752866512
Dodacia doba nedostupné

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