Liz Pichon

Tom Gates: Biscuits, Bands and Very Big Plans 14

The bestselling fully-illustrated Tom Gates series is back with a new book! This book is VERY important because it contains BISCUITS, BANDS and all my (doodled) plans to make DogZombies the BEST band in the world. MY VERY BIG PLAN: 1. Write more songs about VERY important things like...... biscuits 2. Make sure there's a good supply of SNACKS for our band practice 3.Avoid Delia at ALL COSTS, she thinks I've been SNOOPING in her room. (I have.) 4. DOODLE as much as possible, especially if Marcus is watching The 14th book in this HILARIOUS series!

The bestselling fully-illustrated Tom Gates series is back with a new book! This book is VERY important because it contains BISCUITS, BANDS and all my (doodled) plans to make DogZombies the BEST band in the world. MY VERY BIG PLAN: 1. Write more songs about VERY important things like...... biscuits 2. Make sure there's a good supply of SNACKS for our band practice 3.Avoid Delia at ALL COSTS, she thinks I've been SNOOPING in her room. (I have.) 4. DOODLE as much as possible, especially if Marcus is watching The 14th book in this HILARIOUS series!

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Scholastic
Počet strán 272
Typ viazania tvrdá
Rozmery (š-v-h) 159 x 197 mm
EAN 9781407179858
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