Arengo , Lindop

Classic Tales: The Little Mermaid: Activity Book: Beginner level 1

Classic Tales graded readers are richly illustrated traditional stories which children are eager to read. Language and drama activities also make it easy for you to create complete language lessons around a popular and engaging tale.BL Full-color illustrations bring Classic Tales to life and make it easy to follow the storyBL Familiar characters appeal to children's imaginationBL Activities and puzzles encourage students to look more closely at the textBL Glossary with illustrations and examplesBL Big Books (selected titles) allow the whole class to share the reading experience

Classic Tales graded readers are richly illustrated traditional stories which children are eager to read. Language and drama activities also make it easy for you to create complete language lessons around a popular and engaging tale.BL Full-color illustrations bring Classic Tales to life and make it easy to follow the storyBL Familiar characters appeal to children's imaginationBL Activities and puzzles encourage students to look more closely at the textBL Glossary with illustrations and examplesBL Big Books (selected titles) allow the whole class to share the reading experience

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Oxford University Press UK
Rok vydania 2003
Počet strán 18
Typ viazania Paperback
Hmotnosť (g) 51 g
Rozmery (š-v-h) 190-245
EAN 9780194220859
Dodacia doba online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň

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