Love From Heaven

How to bring more love into your life by the Sunday Times number one bestselling author of Stairways to Heaven and A Message of Hope from the Angels. Lorna Byrne has become a bestselling author around the world because she sees angels as clearly as the rest of us see human beings. Now she reveals that she also sees love as a physical force. What Lorna has seen has led her to develop a 7 day path to help us all change our lives. She says:'The more we love ourselves the more we can love others. If only we release a little more of the pure love we have locked away inside of us we will be much happier, less judgmental and feel much more fulfilled. Our lives and those of people around us would be transformed.'

How to bring more love into your life by the Sunday Times number one bestselling author of Stairways to Heaven and A Message of Hope from the Angels. Lorna Byrne has become a bestselling author around the world because she sees angels as clearly as the rest of us see human beings. Now she reveals that she also sees love as a physical force. What Lorna has seen has led her to develop a 7 day path to help us all change our lives. She says:'The more we love ourselves the more we can love others. If only we release a little more of the pure love we have locked away inside of us we will be much happier, less judgmental and feel much more fulfilled. Our lives and those of people around us would be transformed.'

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Coronet books
Rok vydania 2015
Počet strán 279
Typ viazania Paperback
Hmotnosť (g) 213 g
Rozmery (š-v-h) 198x129
EAN 9781444786316
Dodacia doba nedostupné

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