Marion Deuchars

The ME Book

With creative ideas and inspired prompts, this art activity title will have young artists filling the pages with all sorts of wild and wonderful things about themselves. The activities range from simple things like your birthday, your eye colour, portraits of your family and friends or filling in information about your favourite foods or clothes, to the more weird and wonderful, like your favourite smells, how many star jumps you can do in one minute and what flavour you would be if you were an ice-cream. Perfect for self-expression and building children's confidence through creativity, the celebratory and fun activities will put each child centre-stage as they complete their very own book about themselves!

With creative ideas and inspired prompts, this art activity title will have young artists filling the pages with all sorts of wild and wonderful things about themselves. The activities range from simple things like your birthday, your eye colour, portraits of your family and friends or filling in information about your favourite foods or clothes, to the more weird and wonderful, like your favourite smells, how many star jumps you can do in one minute and what flavour you would be if you were an ice-cream. Perfect for self-expression and building children's confidence through creativity, the celebratory and fun activities will put each child centre-stage as they complete their very own book about themselves!

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Laurence King Publishing
Počet strán 64
Typ viazania mäkká
Rozmery (š-v-h) 288 x 206
EAN 9781510230187
Dodacia doba nedostupné

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